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Nowadays, the importance of road transportation is increasing with each passing time. Thanks to the changing time and technology, the most important factors that are considered as criteria for products and modes of transportation and shipping are time and cost.

In this context, road transport contains cost savings and fast transportation methods compared to other transportation models and areas. At the same time, it comes across as a safe transportation method.

What is Road Transport?

One of the most curious questions is what is road transport? these are the questions asked in this context, it means that commercial products are delivered or delivered to the designated places without wasting time. In this context, it can be expressed as the delivery of the products to the point of arrival within the previously determined time by using the appropriate means without the need for a transfer between the place of receipt and the place of delivery. Dec.

Road transport service national or international rules, customs centers, customs center rules, terminals and alternative routes are important. In road transport, the products sent with the protocols existing between the sender of the products and the intermediaries are delivered to the specified addresses by means of Decoy vehicles. In this context, HRA Global Logistics takes customer satisfaction into account and provides customer benefits in terms of both cost and time of the service it provides.

Advantages of Road Transport

Road transport or international highway is the process of transporting products belonging to many different enterprises located on the same roads by a single vehicle. In other words, it is also done by partial transportation. Considering that, the product that is expected to be delivered is delivered to the addresses and warehouses of the customers. In this context, transportation can be provided almost anywhere by using highways.

The availability of existing roads or the investments made are very important in this sense. Compared to air transportation, road transportation makes the calculated costs of cargo cheaper. Any damage to products or materials transported on the roads is also somewhat guaranteed by insurances made in response to the possibility of wear and loss.

Loading or downloading of materials or products is not a time-consuming process when considering road transport. These can be counted as road transport advantages. In addition, HRA Global Logistics company embodies all of these advantages and provides services with maximum efficiency and expert staff.

The Development of Road Transport in History

From a general point of view, the current road transport is known as one of the oldest transportation methods in history, including its development in history. In addition, road transportation is at the forefront before railway, airline and sea transportation. Since the proclamation of the Republic, the transportation used until 1950 is mostly railway transportation.

Road transport became popular later. The main reason for this is due to the fact that bridges and alternative roads have just started to be built. In addition, when viewed from the other side, it is cheaper in terms of cost compared to the modes of transportation, and this situation is taken into account.

The most important feature of HRA Global Logistics company that distinguishes it from other companies in the market is that it performs better jobs with lower cost and superior performance in both national and international transportation systems.

Road Transport and Technological Developments

Nowadays, road transport and technological developments are parallel with each other. In other words, the road transport sector follows the developments in technology instantly. The shortening of distances, the absence of excessive expenses and the availability of delivery opportunities to the door make road transport popular and are the subject of preference. However, the transportation sector is a very broad sector.

There is no problem of finding vehicles that will be suitable for loads. Fleets with a wide variety of vehicles are available in this sector. Road transportation is very important for both rail transportation and air and sea transportation.

The reason for this is that it is necessary to deliver the products to the ports or airports by land. Customs laws, highway laws, technological developments are necessary for the efficient development of this sector.

The Current Superiority of Road Transport Compared to Other Types of Transport

Currently, road transport has existing advantages compared to other types of transport. For example, due to the fact that the existing carrying capacities of road vehicles are small compared to rail or sea vehicles, there is an opportunity to move even more flexibly, especially in the transportation sector.

Transportation of goods by road requires much less investment costs than other types of transportation. In particular, there is an opportunity to save time and resources in preparing for packaging and shipment order. There is a possibility of more regular and frequent flights via the highway. According to the demand of customers, it is possible to transport it wherever there are highways.

Currently, there are legal regulations related to the Transportation of Goods. These arrangements are important for the highways to operate regularly and smoothly. In addition, these regulations are very important for the progress of the transportation sector.

In this context, legal regulations regarding the transportation of goods are regulated by the Land Transportation Law No. 4925 dated 10.07.2003 and the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC). A fee is charged in exchange for transportation works. In this context, if there is no fee in return for transportation, the provisions of the TCC do not apply.

The Basic Dimension of Road Transport

Especially when looking at the basic dimension of road transport, it is carried out by train or truck. The importance of land transportation is very great even for air or sea shipments. Road transportation is mandatory in order for cargo to go to the airport or port or to its destinations afterwards.

Due to the coastal regions of the countries, it is not always possible to establish facilities near the ports. In this context, road transport is a less costly transportation system compared to airlines. So it can be said that it is more convenient. However, in developing countries where road infrastructure is not very developed, it has slightly higher costs compared to sea transportation.

Road transportation can also be done by truck or train. The importance of land transportation for air or sea shipments is also increasing. In particular, road transport is mandatory in order for cargo to travel to and from its destination points.

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