The types of ships and their intended use are always among the topics of interest Decently. It is known that everyone is definitely familiar with ships moving on the sea. Of course, not all of these ships are of the same type. Because it is seen that there are many different types of ships.


What is important here is the purpose of the ship's use. Already, it draws attention that the purpose of use is taken as a basis when determining the types of ships. In addition, it would not be wrong to say that ships are a very valuable factor in the field of logistics.

What are the Types of Ships?

It is seen that the types of ships consist of many different elements. Especially cruise ships and dry cargo ships are extremely popular. Besides, it is possible to say that there are different types according to the purpose of use. In addition, it is seen that there is a chance to easily find these types of ships within the structure of HRA Global Logistics. We can list the types of ships as follows;

  • Cargo Ships
  • Cruise Ships
  • Special Service Vessels
  • Warships

Among the types of ships listed above, the duties of warships are different. Dec. Therefore, it is necessary to provide information for cargo, special services and passenger ships. Already in the field of logistics, work is being done with types other than warships. It is seen that the work has been tried to be done in the most correct way, especially within the scope of customer requests. It is also known that the types of ships are divided into different sub-branches according to their intended use.

Purposes of Use of Ship Types

It is an extremely natural situation that the purposes of use vary in the types of ships. Of course, the element that affects the purpose of use is what the type of ship is. It is seen that the purpose for cruise ships is the comfort of passengers. In addition, cruise ships become quite large because of the purpose they have.

The purposes of cargo ships are aimed at cargo through the name. Accordingly, it is possible to benefit from these ships in cargo transportation. In addition, it is likely that container ships come to mind when cargo ships are mentioned. However, not only container ships are included in this category. It is known that there are many different cargo ships. The aim is to choose a sea vehicle according to the type of cargo.

Special service vessels are also one of the types that are intended for the intended use. Special requests of customers are paid attention to on these ships. Thus, it draws attention that there is a chance to get benefits from special service ships in many different subjects.

The Place of Ship Types in the Field of Logistics

The logistics field is one of the most popular sectors in our country. It is possible to carry out transportation in such a sector by different ways. In particular, sea transportation is often among the preferred methods.

Moreover, the number of ports has increased enormously today. The fact that trade has developed also makes the sea route important. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that ship types occupy a large place in the field of logistics.

Types of Ships Cargo Ships

It is known that cargo ships are one of the most needed sea vehicles in our country. After all, our country is surrounded by seas on three sides. For this reason, the locations of cargo ships in international trade are quite special.

In addition, the designs of cargo ships are carried out carefully in order to meet the incoming demands in the best possible way. In particular, it is known that these ships have quite large structures in diameter. We can sort the cargo ships as follows;

  • Container Ships
  • Dry Cargo Ships
  • Tanker Ships
  • Ro-Ro Ships
  • Bulk Carriers

Container Ships: They are an indispensable element of international trade. Special cargo containers are transported by these ships. Especially in accordance with a certain standard, containers can be stacked on top of each other on the ship.

Dry Cargo Ships: A type of ship whose use has decreased compared to the past. Because the types of ships that are more advantageous have emerged.

Tanker Ships: Products such as gas and liquids are transported on these ships. Of course, it is seen that the security of such ships is at the highest level.

Ro-Ro Ships: Ro-Ro ships have an opening in the form of “roll-on roll-of”. They carry out truck and truck transportation at nearby ports. They also resemble a large ferry.

Bulk Carriers: The type of ship used for coal, wheat or mineral ores. In these ships, attention is paid to how much cargo is carried rather than speed.

Types of Ships Cruise Ships

It is observed that this type of ship, like cargo ships, is extremely common. It is one of the ships that can be very large. It can be carried by thousands of passengers at the same time. Among commercial ships, the most budget is allocated to cruise ships.

The comfort of the people transported on cruise ships is an extremely important issue. Of course, it can be expected that these ships will be costly in terms of design and production. There may even be shopping malls and many businesses inside such ships. It is possible to see different cruise ships for short or long distances.

Types of Ships Special Service Ships

Special service vessels are a type of naval vessel used for a special purpose. What is important here are the service details requested by the customer. Naturally, it can be said that such ships are designed for the purpose. In particular, tugs, fishing vessels and seismic research vessels are included in this category. It is also possible to get several more types of ships into this category.

It is known that special service vessels are specially prepared for customers. Of course, for this reason, it is seen that there is a different and remarkable type of ship. In addition, the costs of private service vessels are somewhat high. Because an important element here is that the design is made according to the request. In other words, the internal equipment of the ship is shaped according to the customers. Buddha is an element that leads to an increase in cost. However, you should know that you have the chance to find a private service ship at an affordable price.

HRA Global Logistics For Quality and Appropriate Service in Ship Types

It is known that each of the ship types has a separate place Decoupled between them. For this purpose, it is known that the choice is made according to the work to be done and the service to be received. The fact that the name HRA Global Logistics is respected in the sector makes this the right address. Especially thanks to experienced employees and wide opportunities, the results are always satisfactory. Therefore, the address is obvious to take advantage of the types of ships.
